Car Free Day on Main

Posted on June 18, 2010


Ion magazine

Ion magazine, yo. Oh right, hipsters don't say yo.

This Sunday is Car Free Day on Main Street (among other venues), right from 16th to 33rd, hipster central. ION magazine is going to be there with some swag from the short-run ION Pop Shop they had at Hastings and Carrall during the Olympics. Here’s the announcement:

Unless you have been living under a rock you know that on June 20th car free day will be happening on Main Street and ION is going to be there. We are setting up a covered “hang out” (couches and a “help yourself Redbull fridge) area on the east side of Main and 20th (across from the Neptoon Record’s live stage). We will be selling the remaining Limited edit[ION] t-shirts and “the dark” will be joining us from 3-5 pm to personally stencil and sign T-shirts. $30 per shirt. $20 if you bring your own. “the dark” will also be bringing some new art prints that are so new he is screening them in the morning. We will also have some of his work for the POP SHOP v.1 in the space as well. Loads of free stuff, including the latest edition of ION with Eugene Hutz (Gogol Bordello) and the latest HIP GUIDE…both so fresh off of the press you can smell the ink. So come and say ‘Hi”.

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