Keynote Speech at WordCamp Ottawa: WordPress for Revolutionaries!

Posted on July 4, 2017


WordCamp Ottawa is on! Well, it's on the 20th, 22nd, and 23rd of July!

WordCamp Ottawa is on! Well, it’s on the 20th, 22nd, and 23rd of July!

WordPress for Revolutionaries! An ambitious title, an ambitious talk, for my inaugural keynote speech! I’ve given a variation of this talk at BIL Vancouver previously, but since they only allowed ten minutes for your talk, this one is going to be a bit more expansive, including talking about various types of revolution: its not just Arab Spring anymore!

Although, yeah, a LOT of Arab Spring.

I can absolutely guarantee you that there will be at least one person in the room hoping the talk is about revolutionizing disruptive vertically integrated emerging markets or some such gobbledygook, but I can absolutely guarantee you that he will not be getting ANY of that in my talk.

It’s bright and early in the morning (really, isn’t any time in the morning early? For some of us…) and I don’t want to get up and showered and out to Carleton University at that ungodly hour just to play to an empty room, so do come out and see me.

Bring coffee.